Information System modernization Consulting services

Our advice allows you to create a strategy and implementation plan to modernize your application asset portfolio, reduce technical limitations and maintenance costs.

Our consulting expertise in modernization centers around three key areas :

  • Application portfolios optimization
  • Specification of architecture within the framework of evolutionary requirements
  • Define Cloud migration strategy

The benefits of our advice

EBS advises clients from early stage strategic thinking all the way to change management for legacy applications modernization.

Application portfolios optimization

Our services enables you to creates a strategy and implementation plan to modernize your application portfolio and reduce technical limitations and maintenance costs.

Our experts rely on proprietary analytical mapping tools, along with proven processes for the identification of problem areas, to quickly determine the reality of the functional and technical compatibility of applications with your business strategy.

Définir une stratégie d’évolution vers le Cloud

L’évolution des attentes clients oblige les entreprise à gagner en souplesse et flexibilité et par conséquent, à adapter rapidement leurs processus. Comment imaginer aujourd’hui une application qui traite des données en volume sans parler de ses capacités à se dimensionner via le Cloud ?

Les équipes expérimentée vous accompagne afin de vérifier que l’architecture cible est bien en adéquation avec les objectifs d’agilité et de performance lors de la modernisation et transformation des applications patrimoniales.

conseils ebs

Architecture Specification against the change requirements

We enable technical managers to define target architecture as part of the modernization of legacy applications while moving to the Cloud.

Our experienced team helps you verify that the target architecture to modernize and transform legacy applications does not compromise agility and performance goals.

Our other areas of expertise